Excel Basic Function

  1. Data Entry, Data Editing, and Number Formatting:
    • Data Entry: This involves inputting data into Excel. You can type text, numbers, dates, and other information into individual cells. To do this, simply click on a cell and start typing.
    • Data Editing: Excel allows you to edit data easily. Click on a cell and make changes or corrections as needed. You can also use the formula bar to edit cell contents.
  2. Data Formatting:
    • Number Formatting: This involves changing the way numbers are displayed in cells. You can format numbers as currency, percentages, dates, or with specific decimal places. This helps improve the readability of your data.
  3. Working with Cells and Ranges in Excel:
    • Cells: These are the individual boxes in an Excel spreadsheet. Each cell has a unique address based on its column and row (e.g., A1, B2).
    • Ranges: A range is a group of adjacent cells or a selection of cells. You can apply various operations to ranges, such as formatting, calculations, and data manipulation.
  4. Managing Worksheets:
    • Worksheets: Excel workbooks can contain multiple worksheets (also known as tabs or sheets). You can create, rename, delete, and reorder worksheets to organize your data and calculations.
    • Managing Worksheets: This involves tasks like adding new sheets, rearranging sheets, copying data between sheets, and setting up print options for each worksheet.

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