Prepare your child for the digital future

Our programme is designed to fire up your child’ enthusiasm for technology and teach them the vital tech skills that’ll help them succeed at school, and beyond.

Bring Your Own Laptop

Only 10 spaces available

Price: ₦70,000

8th Aug - 8th Sept

We welcome those starting out or already advanced, the summer camp will enrich your child’s technical potential and bring out their talent. Each day is filled with exciting tech
learning with experienced instructors.

Not only will we prepare your child for the digital future. We aim to enrich their mind and knowledge with non-technical information that will make them more knowledgeable and confident.

What you will learn

1. Basic HTML
2. Basic CSS
3. Critical thinking
4. Confident Communication
5. Games
6. Refreshments


​Our Curriculum

Our focus is on teaching Programming thoroughly. We focus on best practices and neat and efficient coding styles. Our students are discouraged from writing inefficient code as this has little or no effect on simple, short programs. We feel the need to correct these habits early on, before it becomes a problem (when programs become longer and more complex). We therefore model and discuss best coding practices right from the very beginning and throughout all our courses.

We focus on soft skills activities such as team building projects and improving the student’s presentation skills. These skills if acquired when they are young will stick with them for a lifetime. It makes the child more social and more confident.

Donation Payment Options

Kindly use any of the payment options to make your donation.

UK account for bank transfer

Account type: Current
Bank name: Tilde
Account Name: LM Tech Hub Limited
Account Number: 23592055
Sort code: 040605
Reference: [Donor full name]

Naira account for bank transfer

Account type: Current
Bank name: Guarantee Trust Bank TB (GTB)
Account Name: LM Tech Hub
Account Number: 0724572480
Reference: [Donor full name]