
Welcome to the LM Tech Hub Blog


The class had an extended Stand-Up session where members discussed their progress on the Treehouse lessons, tasks, and progress with Eloquent JS. They were questioned further, and everyone made efforts…

The day started with the regular stand-up session. Today’s session was really interesting as everyone was questioned more about their progress so far. As usual, our director, supervisor, and instructor…

Standup Today’s standup session, as usual, was a review of our progress and plans for the day. The hub director, instructors, and supervisor regularly chipped in relevant advice and guidance…


With a series of significant improvements, Figma, a well-known design tool, continues to push the frontiers of creativity and cooperation in 2023. These improvements not only make design handoffs more…

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting technological developments in recent years, with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, including education. The integration of AI…

Choosing the best programming language to learn can be difficult for a newbie. Several programming languages are available, and each has a unique mix of benefits and drawbacks. We’ll review…

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UK account for bank transfer

Account type: Current
Bank name: Tilde
Account Name: LM Tech Hub Limited
Account Number: 23592055
Sort code: 040605
Reference: [Donor full name]

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Account type: Current
Bank name: Guarantee Trust Bank TB (GTB)
Account Name: LM Tech Hub
Account Number: 0724572480
Reference: [Donor full name]